
Meet the hosts of the Cigar Match Podcast –

Adam – Co-Host Adam

I got into cigars around 20 or so years ago, it was totally random I walked past the humidor at local “party” store and thought “I think I’ll try a cigar tonight”. I knew nothing about cigars at the time but just dove in head first and really fell in love with cigars and cigar culture. In the early days I cut my teeth on an old cigar forum called Club Stogie (Early 2000’s) where I learned a lot about smoking cigars. A number of years later I started working at my local Brick and Mortar, it was my dream job sadly life stepped in and I had to focus on my professional career and leave the tobacconist life. Although I no longer work in the industry, I’m still very much a cigar nerd, always looking to try new stuff and continuing on my cigar journey. This podcast allows me to do one of my absolute favorite things, talk cigars.






Bruno –

I got into cigars in the mid 1990’s.  I was experimenting with different sizes, types, etc.  I was buying them from Tinder Box at the time.  I was still very new and really had no one to talk to about what I was doing right and/or wrong.  I eventually found other friends that smoked cigars.  A trip to Sweden around 1998 was the final nail in the coffin of me being an avid cigar smoker.  I got introduced to Cuban cigars.  Not that they were the be all of cigars, they were just different than what I was smoking.  I was not spending much on cigars and found that when I got back and bought more premium cigars, everything changed.  It took a number of years and some very FUN testing to come up with my favorite, but I did.  It was the toughest thing I have ever done (wink, wink).  I started hanging around smoke shops in the early 2000’s and eventually the B&M I was spending a lot of my time at hired me part time.  That is where Adam and I met.  It was AWESOME working in the industry.  It is a great shop and I learned so much more from the staff and customers.  I enjoyed every minute of it as it is a passion of mine.  I pretty much smoke a cigar a day and love trying new stuff.  Adam asked me to do this podcast and I was very nervous.  We did the first episode and I was hooked.  Hope it is beneficial for both new cigars smokers, veteran cigar smokers and myself.  I also really love hiking and backpacking as you can see from the picture.


The Cigar Match Podcast

“Cigar guys talking cigars and all things cigar culture.”

We are a bi-weekly podcast, we record every other Wednesday night and the show is typically posted and available by Thursday afternoon.

The Cigar Match

In the world of cigars, there exists a magical moment, an ephemeral spark that sets the stage for an unforgettable journey. It all begins with a simple match, an unassuming wooden stick with a combustible tip, holding the potential to unlock a realm of sensory delights.

As the match ignites, casting dancing flames against the darkness, it mirrors the anticipation that resides within the aficionado’s heart. It is the prelude to a symphony of aromas, flavors, and sensations waiting to be discovered.

With a careful touch, the match is brought closer to the end of the cigar, embracing it in a delicate embrace. The tobacco, patiently aged and expertly rolled, responds eagerly to the call, its surface glowing with a mesmerizing amber glow. The initial touch of the flame gently caresses the wrapper, awakening dormant layers of complexity and character.

As the fire inches closer, a symbiotic dance begins—a union of fire and tobacco, releasing wisps of fragrant smoke. Aromas weave through the air, swirling gracefully, enticing the senses with hints of earth, leather, and sweet spice. The match, now extinguished, leaves behind a smoldering ember, akin to a guiding light on the cigar’s path.

With the first draw, the aficionado’s journey truly commences. The initial puff imparts a symphony of sensations—a harmonious interplay of taste and texture. Each subsequent inhalation reveals a new facet, as the flavors deepen and evolve, telling a unique story with every breath.

The match, once a humble instrument, is now an emblem of the cigar experience—a catalyst that bridges the gap between expectation and fulfillment. It ignites not only the tobacco but also the spirit of the connoisseur, igniting a passion that lingers long after the last ash has fallen.

In this moment, as the match meets the cigar, a world of possibilities unfolds—a world where time slows, where contemplation and connection are nurtured, and where the richness of life is savored one delicate puff at a time. The match marks not only the beginning of the cigar experience but also the commencement of an extraordinary journey into the realm of indulgence and appreciation.